Floribert, from RDC was killed; ask for justice!
Our friend Floribert peace to his soul was murdered last week in Kinchassa. The deceased went to the headquarters of the police and sources said had been killed at the headquarters of the Congolese security.
Floribert was hired as a defender of Human Rights on several causes, including that of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.
Many voices are raised ^ everywhere to denounce this heinous crime and to demand an independent inquiry and that officials at the highest level of this crime be punished ... but the voices are very shy and Africans are not yet manifest enough!
I submitted the idea of a joint (to be submitted to the Congolese authorities, UN and AU) at the initiative of organizations and activists from Africa, with enlargement of signatures to the partner organizations of the world for all shed light on this crime committed against one of the defenders of human rights in Africa
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Placide Nzeza <nzezaplay@yahoo.fr>
Date: June 6th, 2010 0:37
Subject: [forum-migrants_l] In the DRC, the Congolese police officers have confessed to the murder of Floribert Chebeya
Our friend Floribert peace to his soul was murdered last week in Kinchassa. The deceased went to the headquarters of the police and sources said had been killed at the headquarters of the Congolese security.
Floribert was hired as a defender of Human Rights on several causes, including that of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.
Many voices are raised ^ everywhere to denounce this heinous crime and to demand an independent inquiry and that officials at the highest level of this crime be punished ... but the voices are very shy and Africans are not yet manifest enough!
I submitted the idea of a joint (to be submitted to the Congolese authorities, UN and AU) at the initiative of organizations and activists from Africa, with enlargement of signatures to the partner organizations of the world for all shed light on this crime committed against one of the defenders of human rights in Africa
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Placide Nzeza <nzezaplay@yahoo.fr>
Date: June 6th, 2010 0:37
Subject: [forum-migrants_l] In the DRC, the Congolese police officers have confessed to the murder of Floribert Chebeya
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the emotion is still strong after the murder of Floribert Chebeya, one of the most famous activists for human rights. He chaired the NGO "Voice of the Voiceless" and was found dead in his car Wednesday, June 2, 2010. Several officers of the Congolese police are currently heard. Some have even confessed to the murder of Floribert Chebeya.
According to sources from the Congolese security suspects are all officers and agents from the intelligence directorate general and special services for the National Police. They are seven, led by Colonel Daniel Mukalayi, and have confessed to the murder of Floribert Chebeya.
According to the same security sources, it is they who hosted Wednesday, June 2, 2010 Activist of Human Rights, during his arrival at the General Inspectorate of Police. The same sources say they were heard Saturday, June 5 at the premises of the National Security Council.
The international community calls for independent investigation into the death of DRC Floribert Chebeya
Floribert Chebeya was suspected of campaigning with NGOs advocating human rights to prevent the coming of the King of the Belgians in Congo - Kinshasa to mark the 50th anniversary of independence. At the request of the hierarchy of the police, it was necessary to deter and bring in acting against even using torture, but things went wrong. "There was no intention to kill", reportedly said the main suspect, Colonel Daniel Mukalayi.
Contacted by RFI, the Congolese Minister of the Interior did not comment but has not denied the reports.
thank you HICHAM
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the emotion is still strong after the murder of Floribert Chebeya, one of the most famous activists for human rights. He chaired the NGO "Voice of the Voiceless" and was found dead in his car Wednesday, June 2, 2010. Several officers of the Congolese police are currently heard. Some have even confessed to the murder of Floribert Chebeya.
According to sources from the Congolese security suspects are all officers and agents from the intelligence directorate general and special services for the National Police. They are seven, led by Colonel Daniel Mukalayi, and have confessed to the murder of Floribert Chebeya.
According to the same security sources, it is they who hosted Wednesday, June 2, 2010 Activist of Human Rights, during his arrival at the General Inspectorate of Police. The same sources say they were heard Saturday, June 5 at the premises of the National Security Council.
The international community calls for independent investigation into the death of DRC Floribert Chebeya
Floribert Chebeya was suspected of campaigning with NGOs advocating human rights to prevent the coming of the King of the Belgians in Congo - Kinshasa to mark the 50th anniversary of independence. At the request of the hierarchy of the police, it was necessary to deter and bring in acting against even using torture, but things went wrong. "There was no intention to kill", reportedly said the main suspect, Colonel Daniel Mukalayi.
Contacted by RFI, the Congolese Minister of the Interior did not comment but has not denied the reports.
thank you HICHAM
Anneke Van Woudenberg, a researcher for the Africa division at Human Rights Watch
It was about five investigations launched by the Congolese government. Each survey is neither credible nor impartial. We need something more specific, independent. We need international experts in the committee. And I think it is important that the government is launching the commission as soon as possible, because every day that passes we lose indices. There are a lot of suspicion because the day has disappeared Floribert he was en route to the police. And then the family and colleagues could not have immediate access to his body and when they had access, they could not see his face and not other body parts.
Source RFI http://www.rfi.fr/afrique/20100605-rdc-agents-police-congolaise-auraient-avoue-le-meurtre-floribert-chebeya
I'm ALWAYS on the side of truth and justice, the camp of the weak and oppressed, even if it requires war requires sacrifices, or attracts the wrath of hatred of enemies of the slaves of darkness! For evil to triumph by the inaction of good men.
Placide Nzeza
Notre ami FLORIBERT paix a son âme à été assassiné la semaine dernière à Kinchassa. Le défunt se rendait au siège de la police et selon des sources concordantes aurait été tué au siège de la sûreté congolaise.
FLORIBERT était engagé en tant que défenseur des droits Humains sur plusieurs causes, dont celle des migrants, des demandeurs d'asile et des réfugiés.
Plusieurs voix se sont élevés ^partout dans le monde pour dénoncer ce crime abominable et pour demander une enquête indépendante et que les responsables au plus haut niveau de ce crime soient sanctionnés...Mais les voix Africaines sont très timides et ne ce sont pas encore manifestés suffisamment!
Je vous soumis l'idée d'un communiqué conjoint (à envoyer aux autorités Congolaises, UA et Onu) à l'initiative des organisations et militants-ES d'Afrique avec élargissement de signatures aux organisations partenaires du reste du monde pour que toute la lumière soit faite sur ce crime commis contre l'un des défenseurs des droits humains en Afrique
---------- Message transféré ----------
De : Placide Nzeza <nzezaplay@yahoo.fr>
Date : 6 juin 2010 00:37
Objet : [forum-migrants_l] En RDC, des agents de la police congolaise auraient avoué le meurtre de Floribert Chebeya
Notre ami FLORIBERT paix a son âme à été assassiné la semaine dernière à Kinchassa. Le défunt se rendait au siège de la police et selon des sources concordantes aurait été tué au siège de la sûreté congolaise.
FLORIBERT était engagé en tant que défenseur des droits Humains sur plusieurs causes, dont celle des migrants, des demandeurs d'asile et des réfugiés.
Plusieurs voix se sont élevés ^partout dans le monde pour dénoncer ce crime abominable et pour demander une enquête indépendante et que les responsables au plus haut niveau de ce crime soient sanctionnés...Mais les voix Africaines sont très timides et ne ce sont pas encore manifestés suffisamment!
Je vous soumis l'idée d'un communiqué conjoint (à envoyer aux autorités Congolaises, UA et Onu) à l'initiative des organisations et militants-ES d'Afrique avec élargissement de signatures aux organisations partenaires du reste du monde pour que toute la lumière soit faite sur ce crime commis contre l'un des défenseurs des droits humains en Afrique
---------- Message transféré ----------
De : Placide Nzeza <nzezaplay@yahoo.fr>
Date : 6 juin 2010 00:37
Objet : [forum-migrants_l] En RDC, des agents de la police congolaise auraient avoué le meurtre de Floribert Chebeya
En République démocratique du Congo, l'émotion est toujours vive après le meurtre de Floribert Chebeya, l'un des plus célèbres militants des droits de l'homme. Il présidait l'ONG « la Voix des Sans-Voix » et a été retrouvé mort dans sa voiture mercredi 2 juin 2010. Plusieurs agents de la police congolaise sont actuellement entendus. Certains auraient même avoué le meurtre de Floribert Chebeya. Selon des sources de la Sécurité congolaise, les suspects sont tous officiers et agents de la direction des renseignements généraux et des services spéciaux de la police nationale. Ils seraient sept, dirigés par le colonel Daniel Mukalayi, et auraient avoué le meurtre de Floribert Chebeya.
Selon les mêmes sources sécuritaires, c’est eux qui avaient accueilli mercredi 2 juin 2010 l’activiste des droits de l’homme, lors de son arrivée à l’inspection générale de la police. Les mêmes sources affirment qu’ils étaient entendus samedi 5 juin dans les locaux du Conseil national de sécurité.
Joint par RFI, le ministre congolais de l’Intérieur n’a pas souhaité commenter mais n’a pas non plus démenti ces informations.
Source RFI; http://www.rfi.fr/afrique/20100605-rdc-agents-police-congolaise-auraient-avoue-le-meurtre-floribert-chebeya Je serai TOUJOURS du côté de la vérité et de la justice, du camp des plus faibles et des opprimés: même si cela nécessite des guerres, exige des sacrifices, ou m'attire les foudres de haine des ennemis du bien, esclaves des ténèbres! Car le mal triomphe par l'inaction des gens de bien.
Placide Nzeza |
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